
Find out everything that is happening in Hotel and Spa Vatel

Swisstainable ecology programme - Hotel Vatel Martigny
Swisstainable ecology programme

The Vatel hotel is proud to announce its progress in the Swisstainable program for which it has obtained the classification: Level 2- Engaged

News created on 06-05-2023

Nouvelle cheffe de cuisine depuis le 1er décembre 2022 - Hotel Vatel Martigny
Nouvelle cheffe de cuisine depuis le 1er décembre 2022

On a le plaisir de vous présenter la nouvelle cheffe de cuisine au sein du restaurant Vatel à Martigny

News created on 06-01-2023

Launch of the book  - Hotel Vatel Martigny
Launch of the book

For the 10th anniversary of Vatel Martigny, the chef Thierry Laurier has gathered the recipes of 53 Vatel schools around the world.

News created on 02-02-2022

New Label  - Hotel Vatel Martigny
New Label

Stay safe and secure

News created on 17-11-2021

4 Stars superior - Hotel Vatel Martigny
4 Stars superior

Rising to the top

News created on 15-11-2021